I'm trying to catch the different personalities of Zackary, so I thought I'd share a few recent pictures. He is starting to try and reach for things and succeeds quite often, which is fun to watch.
He isn't very happy on this one. He was on his Boppy while we ate, he managed to slide down which didn't make him happy but he is still sucking his thumb with one hand and playing with his hair with the other (the way he soothes himself sometimes).
This is happy Zackary --- the personality we see the most!!
Zackary sucks the thumb on his left hand and sometimes holds it in with the right. Very cute!
Playing with Daddy . . . another happy moment.
We got his Bumbo out this weekend and he really likes it.
Zackary is 11 weeks old!
I just took this one tonight. After dinner I put him on the floor to play while Paul took out the trash and I was doing the dishes. I realized that I didn't hear him batting his toys, so I looked and he has fallen asleep! Too cute.